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Training Events

Scheduled Trainings

Victim Services – Tree Hugger? Lifetime Movie Watcher? or Super Hero?

7/13/22 @11AM Please note that all times are listed in Mountain Time zone
Virtual with ZOOM

Idaho Network of Children's Advocacy Center's one-hour lunch and learn training sessions are free and offered to anyone in the state of Idaho who works in child serving professions.

Speaker - Denise Himes, Canyon County Prosecutors Office Victim Witness Supervisor

Speaker's Bio:

Denise R. Himes graduated from the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science, in Criminal Justice. She has been a Victim Witness Coordinator for 29 years, and is currently the Canyon County Prosecutors Office Victim Witness Supervisor. In addition to her administrative and supervisory duties, Ms. Himes carries a caseload of misdemeanor and felony crime. She provides support, information and referral services to victims, witnesses and survivors of major crimes including homicide, adult sexual assault, child sexual and physical abuse, and domestic violence. Denise Himes started in May of 1993 as the only victim witness coordinator for the Canyon County Prosecutors Office. Under the leadership of past and current elected Prosecuting Attorneys, Denise has assisted in helping the Canyon County Prosecutors Office Victim Witness Program grow from one to nine victim service providers. In addition to her job responsibilities, Denise has been an active member of the Idaho Victim Witness Association, and is currently serving as a board member for the Nampa Family Justice Center.

Session Description:

Daily to do Tasks for Victim Witness Coordinators – What we do.

Providing Victims with Knowledge and Support – How we provide victim services.

Victim Rights – Why we provide victim services.

This training will be recorded

2023 Idaho Child Advocacy Center Statistics

  • Number of Children Served


  • Forensic Interviews


  • Medical Exams


  • Counseling Therapy Provided


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